Satan Wants A Sun Too! - Page 2 of 4

I think if a person has a problem with bringing - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 2nd Sep, 2008 - 12:10am

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30th Aug, 2008 - 8:27am / Post ID: #

Satan Wants A Sun Too! - Page 2

Thanks for the clarifications and source leads. I will look into them before I reply anymore. I did try and download the movie clip but it wouldn't work very well--I will have to try it again.

I will be back to discuss this though! Thanks for your input.


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Post Date: 31st Aug, 2008 - 2:26am / Post ID: #

Satan Wants A Sun Too!
A Friend

Too Sun Wants Satan

The earth will turn into a sea of glass? Glass is crystal. There are so many sources that talk about stones and crystals in the scriptures. I am trying to find them all.

Psychic use crystals. There is the crystal skull found in south America. Crystals are used in computer chips (silicone). They call it the god stone. Solar panels are made of silicone fibers I think. They store information and no one knows exactly how it works..

Crystals are in some of the glands in our body. Look up the Penial gland (third eye).

Crystals, sand are some of the most available resources on the planet.

Sorry, it is more of a crystal rant. I believe that it applies to the topic.

Still looking in to it myself.

The sun is a governing planet, it has power over all the terrestrial planets in the solar system. It's light brings life to the earth. Just like celestial beings govern the other kingdoms in the here after.

Really, I just have more questions. I have a mess on my hand with this one. I never can fully put these together.

There is a Parallel with doctrine and heavenly objects. I think of heavenly objects as more of houses.

Perhaps the sun is more of a star gate to Kolob or something.

Whatever. If you think of something then please reply.

31st Aug, 2008 - 4:00am / Post ID: #

Satan Wants A Sun Too! Studies Doctrine Mormon

Don't you just love it when your mind starts rolling like that? wink.gif There will always be questions as far as my opinion goes but as long as there are not doubts in my mind, I am okay with that.

Just a quick clarification--are you referring to the Earth in its celestial form when you speak of the sea of glass? Are you also saying that you believe this is how the sun is now?

The sun is a governing planet, it has power over all the terrestrial planets in the solar system. It's light brings life to the earth. Just like celestial beings govern the other kingdoms in the here after.

I am going to do some checking on this theory tomorrow after church--I am not disagreeing with you by any means, I just remember hearing that the sun was created for THIS planet. As far as I can gather my thoughts so far, I am leaning toward the idea that the sun was created by Jesus Christ and it is HIS light that powers the sun so in turn it can bring life to our planet. We may be saying the same thing!? Just one of those things I need to get worded correctly and feel good about you know?

There is a Parallel with doctrine and heavenly objects. I think of heavenly objects as more of houses.

Perhaps the sun is more of a star gate to Kolob or something.

I totally agree with this statement and it fascinates me! I just took a class on Kolob being a type for Christ. If I can put my notes together and you are interested I can share what I got from it. Obviously, this is not a taught doctrine--rather a teachers theory taught at BYU Education week.

Post Date: 31st Aug, 2008 - 3:50pm / Post ID: #

Satan Wants A Sun Too!
A Friend

Page 2 Too Sun Wants Satan

In order to be a God I would think that one would need one of these suns.

I have never considered this as a criteria. I think that it is not a criteria here is why,
In the pre-mortal world, we had progressed to such a degree that we could not progress further without a body.  We had reached the pinnacle of our possible progression as spirits.  Among those spirits who had progressed to this pinnacle were Christ and the spirit we call the Holy Ghost.  These spirits were considered Gods. 

Consider for a moment that Christ before being born and even the Holy Ghost now as an unborn spirit were and are Gods.  This may seem strange to some who did not think a being could be a God unless it had completed it's progression through life death and resurrection.  However, by considering that Christ was a God before birth, as a mortal, after death as a disembodied spirit and finally as a resurrected being, we are drawn to redefine our definition of God.  God does not then refer to a being that has reached the end of progression.  In fact, the plan includes eternal progression for those who merit a Celestial Glory not being limited like those souls found in the other 2 kingdoms.  .

Our new definition of both God and perfect can not include any form of finished or completed, as Christ was neither finished nor completed, but rather has continued progressing being both perfect and a God.  Even now, the Holy Ghost who has yet been born is neither finished or completed in his progression and yet maintains both perfection and Godhood.

As Christ was perfect through all these stages, our definition of perfection must adapt to include a progressing being.  And, with eternal progression as the goal, we could even say that progression is a requirement of Perfection.  Rather than becoming "perfected" to a point of being complete or finished in a state of non-progression, we say that non-progression is a sign of imperfection.  Another way to say this is, if we stop progressing, then we have been damned or halted in our progression. - "The Final Repentance, Being Perfect" Elliaison

The qualification for Godhood is met in the pre-mortal world, you would have to say that the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ both have their own sun, somewhere in the universe. I could believe that, but then wouldn't they be near to their "super power"/sun? Also, having a sun doesn't do much as all that is is/was Created by Christ and belongs, (in matter, not agency), to God.
3. Life imitates art? I know as well as you do that the secret combinations are in all things. Secret groups that are in publishing, governments, and maybe in our own church.

Most definitely in our church, and every other major religious organization.
And Satan still thinks he will win the war, or at least he will do anything in his power not to be cast to outer darkness. This is sure death for him. He also needs light to survive.

Satan was in the beginning with God as we all were. Satan is in his un-organized form an intelligence, which can not be created or destroyed.
D&C 93:29
  29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of dtruth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

Also, If I recall correctly, he, having accepted his first estate, but not his second, will retain his organized spirit body, or first estate. These being the case, how do you suggest that Satan will die? Even Satan, being an intelligence has light and truth, however it is not increased to a point in which he understands that his plans will not work. But the light which he is made of, inner light, is enough to appear as an angle of light, even if cast into an outer darkness. How will Satan die?
am leaning toward the idea that the sun was created by Jesus Christ and it is HIS light that powers the sun so in turn it can bring life to our planet. - AlaskanLDS

That is correct, the Christ energy created all things, and still does. The sun receives its light from this energy.
D&C 88:7
  7 Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.
This is also true of the moon, stars, and earth.

You are correct in that there is celestial life on the sun, more specifically in the sun. (Refering to the astral projection thread, visiting the sun is a trip worth taking... If you can stand the intensity.) Which makes me think, Satan tends to lurk in the shadows and feel more comfortable hiding in darkness. The night is his preferred realm. In very few instances has he ventured out in the light, for example when attacking Joseph Smith in the grove. How could he stand the intense and constant light of being on the Sun? OR does he own it from a distance?

My final thought, As we are talking about living entities with intellegence, the earth, moon and especially the sun. Would Satan actually own the sun? Would he convince a celestial being to be his? If it did, would the sun go out and become dark no longer receiving its light from Christ? Could Satan learn to exalt a planet like Jupiter from a telestial or terrestial sphere of existance to a celestial? This seems to be like asking if a seer stone will work for Satan like it does for a seer...

Reconcile Edited: Amonhi on 31st Aug, 2008 - 3:54pm

Post Date: 1st Sep, 2008 - 4:29am / Post ID: #

Satan Wants A Sun Too!
A Friend

Too Sun Wants Satan

Satan was in the beginning with God as we all were. Satan is in his un-organized form an intelligence, which can not be created or destroyed.

I believe that when satan is cast into outer darkness then it is just as good as death.

I believe that Intelligence is matter and all matter can be reorganized, or recycled.

Which makes me think, Satan tends to lurk in the shadows and feel more comfortable hiding in darkness. The night is his preferred realm. In very few instances has he ventured out in the light, for example when attacking Joseph Smith in the grove. How could he stand the intense and constant light of being on the Sun? OR does he own it from a distance?

We can not stand the full light of the sun or the glory of god and yet we think that one day we will be Celestialized. Or at least some of us will. Good point about satan being more comfortable in the shadows, but I am sure that he is not comfortable with his position.

I don't think he would want to do it from a distance. I believe that he wants to be celestialized. To have acess to the rest of God's kingdom.

My final thought, As we are talking about living entities with intellegence, the earth, moon and especially the sun. Would Satan actually own the sun? Would he convince a celestial being to be his? If it did, would the sun go out and become dark no longer receiving its light from Christ? Could Satan learn to exalt a planet like Jupiter from a telestial or terrestial sphere of existance to a celestial? This seems to be like asking if a seer stone will work for Satan like it does for a seer...

I don't know. Could he do all these things? Definitely some missing gaps. It is worth a try. It is better than what he has got.

Just a quick clarification--are you referring to the Earth in its celestial form when you speak of the sea of glass? Are you also saying that you believe this is how the sun is now?

I am sorry I must have missed this one. Yes, I believe that all celestial planets are like big crystal balls. Yes, a big seer stone. A Portal. An all seeing eye. The light of christ.

I am going to do some checking on this theory tomorrow after church--I am not disagreeing with you by any means, I just remember hearing that the sun was created for THIS planet. As far as I can gather my thoughts so far, I am leaning toward the idea that the sun was created by Jesus Christ and it is HIS light that powers the sun so in turn it can bring life to our planet. We may be saying the same thing!? Just one of those things I need to get worded correctly and feel good about you know?

Yes please do. Maybe some more scripture references would be nice.

Rather off topic, but...
AlaskanLDS did you talk to your institute teacher? I would be surprised if He/She thought anything of it. I might share the theory with an institute teacher, but probably would not share it with other members. Unless you wanted to. Not really my business. I have found that when you share some of these theories and truths with some members; you get a very negative response. Do the rest of you agree that some things should be kept secret?

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 1st Sep, 2008 - 5:35am

Post Date: 1st Sep, 2008 - 5:07pm / Post ID: #

Satan Wants A Sun Too!
A Friend

Satan Wants A Sun Too!

I believe that when satan is cast into outer darkness then it is just as good as death.

Please define the death, spiritual body destroyed or broken back into it's single intelligent components, or being removed from God's presence? Has satan already died spiritually meaning removed from God's presence?

I believe that Intelligence is matter and all matter can be reorganized, or recycled.
I agree on this statement. It might be fun to discuss this in the Mature section.
Rather off topic, but...
Do the rest of you agree that some things should be kept secret?

Unfortunately, yes. However only because you are protecting yourself from ridicule. If others are accepting freely and not judgemental, then share away. Unfortunately, those qualities are rare in the church. laugh.gif, did I just live up to my expectation of the church membership? ;-)

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1st Sep, 2008 - 11:20pm / Post ID: #

Satan Wants Sun Too! - Page 2

QUOTE (Amonhi @ 1-Sep 08, 9:07 AM)

Unfortunately, yes. However only because you are protecting yourself from ridicule. If others are accepting freely and not judgemental, then share away. Unfortunately, those qualities are rare in the church. laugh.gif, did I just live up to my expectation of the church membership? ;-)

Quasar mentioned:
AlaskanLDS did you talk to your institute teacher? I would be surprised if He/She thought anything of it. I might share the theory with an institute teacher, but probably would not share it with other members. Unless you wanted to. Not really my business. I have found that when you share some of these theories and truths with some members; you get a very negative response.

I think this still has to do with the topic so I hope no one minds that I am responding in the few minutes I have right now.

First, with the quote from Amonhi--In my opinion that is where the MATURE aspect comes from in this forum. It seems to me that the level of being able to handle things brought out -EVEN if they are disagreed with or might be something someone might never of have thought that way--it is to be discussed in a mature manner. No one should feel like they would be ridiculed for asking or posing thoughts. If they find an error in the way the are looking at it--great! Nothing hurt but they learn something. OR if others have never heard of things or perceptions in the way they bring up--well Great too! We have now the opportunity to pray about it and learn for ourselves. ANYONE posting in the mature section should indeed be freely accepting and non-judgmental, in my opinion.

My answer to the question Quasar presents is--that YES I do think there are some things that are not meant to be shared. Such as sacred things BUT I do not have a problem with sharing things I have learned and open them up for thoughts and even debate. Maybe I am wrong with that thinking?

2nd Sep, 2008 - 12:10am / Post ID: #

Satan Wants Sun Too! Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

I think if a person has a problem with bringing up a subject for discussion, in an appropriate forum, then perhaps they need to look at where they are getting their inspiration from.

As has been mentioned, sacred things should only be shared and discussed in situations as appropriate. They should not be open for debate as they are of a personal nature.

The truth should be open for discussion and debate in a mature manner not subjected to ridicule. It is okay to disagree, but if you are afraid to broach a topic because some people might not understand or you might get a negative response that is a red flag for me.

Quasar wrote:

And Satan still thinks he will win the war, or at least he will do anything in his power not to be cast to outer darkness. This is sure death for him.

Of course he does. If you were in his position wouldn't you fight to the end to try and find a loophole? I know I would.

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