You may be quick to say I do not have a preference because you like both... but not necessarily so... think about it, does your national anthem sound better when a male sings it (tenner, base) or female (alto, soprano)? How about your favorite pop or alternative music - could you imagine the opposite sex singing the same song?
What are your thoughts?
I really can't vote.
When you hear Whitney Houston sing the Star Spangled Banner in the 1991 Super Bowl, it is beyond description. At the same time, many men who have sung it have done just as good a job.
I can't imagine anyone could sing Celtic music as well as Loreena McKennit (Mummer's Dance), but I can't imagine anyone but Robert Plant doing Stairway to Heaven. (Although I have heard that Heart does great covers of Zeppelin songs.)
Nobody does as good a job of White Christmas as Bing Crosby. But the mix of Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole on Unforgettable is incredible.
They each have their places. Neither trumps the other. Edited: Nighthawk on 17th May, 2004 - 12:53pm
For some reason, with popular music I really prefer male volcals. Good male vocals have a lot of energy and feeling to them. Even in inspirational music, like church hymns, my favorite parts are the male-only parts. There are some kinds of music that are great for women, too, but in general I tend to lean towards male voices.
It definately depends on the specific music, and musical types. When listening to Celtic, I prefer a female. When listening to worship, as well as being in a worship service, I prefer a male. It's just always been so much more moving to me when a man is leading worship.
I used to think that male vocalists were better until I heard the group Evanescence, and then I was hooked on female vocals. Her voice is so powerful that it really makes a difference in the song, and I could not see a male vocalist portraying the same power. While all my teenage groups were led my male vocalists, I have to say I am swaying to the female vocals now that I am older. No Doubt is another group that I like, with a female vocalist.