I am Lancelot and my father has give me that name because of his brother Lancelot who was the great warrior. I became swordsman because I want to help people in need and best way to do that is fighting for their safety.
I am 6 feets tall and I am muscular just like my father. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. People often say that I have mother eyes and fathers attitude. My dark skin cevered with armor makes me unique in my hometown.
I often offer my help to other fighters in their battles and adventures and when I am not traveling I help to our local blacksmith.
I am going to prove myself on the battlefield and marry daughter of a rich noble in order to become powerfull. I will not stop before I sit on throne.
My adventure begins now and it will not stop before I someone stronger come at my door.
Advisor Description
In the tavern "Kamacnik" tall man in knights armor have aproach to me. His name was Locutus and he told me that he was serving in army with my father. He told me that my father saved his life countless of times snd that he found me to pay off that debt to my father.
I was gladfull that he someone who knows my father wery well approach to me so I accepted his company. I told him everything about my life and he promises to help me with my challenges.
Today I have lunch with my girlfriend and sudenly someone knock on my door. I opened the door and two thugs break in. They have beat me and tied me with a rope. [..]That was not enough for them so they killed her in front of me. "You should pay your debts on time next time."