Hi everyone, my name is Seath. I'm new and primarily joining to participate in a play-by-post Dungeons & Dragons (Fifth edition) game if I can. A friend of mine who is participating in a game currently introduced me to the community and convinced me to try it out. I'm relatively new to Dungeons & Dragons still, but I've been rather obsessed with it lately and have picked up the rules pretty well and watched and listened to several different streams and podcasts. I'm currently playing in one "Real life" game with four new players including myself and one, more experienced, Dungeon Master. We've been playing for several months now on a biweekly schedule and I look forward to each session greatly. I've also just finished my first session last week as a temporary Dungeon Master for a small side story in our campaign which I think was relatively successful! The players had fun and they still have a session or two to go, depending on their cadence, before they finish my side story. Overall, the experience of playing as a Dungeon Master has really made me appreciate just how much work goes into it!
I'm looking forward to interacting more with folks on the boards as I become more acclimated to things here. I work in tech primarily so I don't often to get to flex my creative writing muscles. Dungeons & Dragons has really helped me get back into that hobby in a way I didn't know I missed. I just hope my writing is up to par for the community! Thanks everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you all.
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
Welcome fearless Adventurer! We bid thee greetings and we're glorified by thy declaration to be part and parcel of good adventuring. Ensure ye follow our RPG Etiquette so ye remain in good relations with the local elders.
For thy knowledge all Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Games are kept here: [+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Board. To learn the 1-2-3 steps for Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go straight to the Dungeons & Dragons Start Guide where a sage has posted steps to follow.
Don't worry young master, there is also another Thread for thy consideration: . Yet, if ye still be havin' questions do ask here, thy Introduction Thread, and someone will address thee.
Greetings Seath. There is only one 5E game ongoing at present, so I think it is safe to assume that my game is the one you were referred to.
There is only one seat left open at present, but it is yours pending a complete character.
Where to start for character creation, there's a listing of the other characters currently in play, which should help give an idea of how you can fit your character into the group: Source 4f
Support thread that lists my house rules, also the place for non character creation related Out of Character: questions and conversations: Source 2v
Couple of things to bear in mind:
-The forum has a couple of strict rules I have no control over. Among them is a requirement that any notifications about what's happening in your life go into this thread, not the game's, even if you're trying to let others know you won't be posting.
-My game is fairly fast paced. More often than not, you can expect me to update the story at least once per 24 hours. I know that life happens, and try to be as flexible as I can when it does, but I also have to keep things moving.
-There are two other active Dungeons & Dragons games on the forum. They're both 3.5e, an earlier, and more complicated edition, but they're quite fun. You may consider trying it at some point. One of the two games has you entering a Dungeons & Dragons world as yourself, basically the real you was minding your own business and then suddenly woke up in a forest. Its been a blast.
-We could also use a few more Dungeon Masters. If you'd be willing, we'd be glad to see another game come up. The moderators will ask you to wait and just be a player for a while first, but it is something to consider.
Hi Seath! Nice to have you here. Which one of our players did the awesome job of giving you the invitation?
If you have any questions about the community feel free to ask within this thread.
Thank you all for the warm welcomes. Daishain, yes, it is your game that I hoped I could join! Thank you for the introduction. I'm going to read through the threads now and try to come up with a "Shell" for the character I want to create and will post in the character creation thread as soon as I'm ready. I also need to find a decent profile picture.
The person who referred me is known by Cinder on the boards. He's had great things to say so far.
Welcome Seath! It will be good to have you in the game! As I've told you, I find this to be a great community and really enjoy the Dungeon Master and all of the players in the 5e game. It is nice to have different perspectives and different background knowledge of this type of gaming and the Forgotten Realms universe.
Nice character write up!
PS Daishain's recommendation of the 3.5 campaign(s) such as the one where you play yourself is very intriguing. I'm not sure if I'm up for learning a new system at this time though with everything else going on. Hm… Never enough time in the day. Perhaps some day!
Edited: Cinder on 25th Jan, 2018 - 3:14pm