How Do Fish Recognize Their Prey

How Fish Recognize Prey - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 20th Nov, 2018 - 10:56pm

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Post Date: 17th Nov, 2018 - 2:05pm / Post ID: #

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How Do Fish Recognize Their Prey

Fish recognize their prey by electric colors. The African elephantnose fish generates weak electrical pulses to navigate its environment. This localization sense apparently shows an astonishing similarity to vision, as a study now shows. The study demonstrates that different objects have different electrical ''colors''. Fish use these colors for instance to distinguish their favorite food - mosquito larvae - from other small animals or plants. Source 1x.

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19th Nov, 2018 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

Prey Recognize Fish How

Using electrical impulse to sense prey is a pretty common method for many fish species. Many species use this to find prey under the sand that can't be see.

20th Nov, 2018 - 10:56pm / Post ID: #

How Do Fish Recognize Their Prey UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Could this be replicated to help the blind and visually impaired? I saw a TED talk about a blind man that developed a system of echo location based on how bats navigate. It sends responses as stimulations to electrodes in a harness on his back. With some training, he was able to teach several others how to navigate based on the system. Color might add some advantages.

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