Mystified by a suspicious mole? Expect a long wait for a dermatologist.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/health/national/20...mole-botox.html
Banishing Wrinkles With Botox May Make You Miss Others' Emotions
That Botox-smoothed brow may make it harder for someone to empathize with other people's feelings. That's because we tend to mirror each others' expressions while talking. And it may be the muscles of the face that help us key into those emotions.
Source: NPR Topics: Science
Facial exercise speeds Botox's wrinkle-reducing effects. For people who can't wait the three or four days for the wrinkle smoothing effects of botulinum toxin (Botox) injections to kick in, a new study shows facial exercise after the injections speeds the change in appearance by one day. This is the first time facial exercise has been rigorously tested in Botox. Faster time is important to patients who leave Botox for last minute before a social event. Source 8d.