I don't get it either, If there is a chance of not being sick, I think everyone should take it. I had an anxiety attack the other day while wearing one. That was fun, not! And its not just about the people who refuse blatantly not to wear them, but what about the people who just haphazardly wear them. I saw a guy working at a supermarket the other day, with it only hugging his chin… That's going to do a lot.
Its not realistic to expect any worker to be wearing a mask all day. It restricts your breathing and can eventually lead to hypercapnia specially if your job causes you to need more oxygen than others like lifting things, etc.
I am a gardener so I understand how difficult it can be, wearing a mask all day. Its hot, its uncomfortable and I wear glasses so there is that added awesomeness of defogging one's eye wear before wearing them, But if it helps get us healthy again, then its no contest.