I apologize for my initial 'intro,' as I mistook this field for a bot-scanned box necessary to play the curiously touted Role-playing Game. Almost immediately, as the ensuing pause for review began, I saw that more substantial material was due.
I consider myself - often first & foremost - a writer. I more enjoy the process of system mastery (Hence a broad love of board/tabletop games). Relaying a newly structured thought: I believe language, as a personal draw; from a system-mastery perspective, is a unique system wherein true mastery allows unique & unfettered resolution to infinite situations.
Human situations. My most recent ponderings have all been foundational aspects of one or more facets of the human condition. I.e. The origin of known life as some partial, distant, formative basis for existential meaning.
Enough about me, let's play this game
Welcome to the ROK II Text Adventure
Ready to choose thy own path of role-play? Herein is the very best role-playing Text Adventure ever. It taketh a thinking mind and committed spirit. To begin thy quest seeketh this place: ROK II Role-playing Game Start and learn the rules of play. If thou art lost or have a question about some feature of this most honorable place then thou mayest ask here, thy Introduction.