The field is as you left it with the contraption to one side. The same ghostly looking woman is in the tower smiling at you. She motions her hand towards the contraption without saying anything. Looking at it you can tell that you will need to: Lift, Climb, Run, and Jump in order to make it through to the final stage which involves Bashing down a door that will block your escape.
She smiles feeling that she can overcome those challenges. She secures her belongings and walks over to the contraption looking for a starting place and then begins.
The wooden contraption tries to stop you from having success but your will over powers it as the challenges are routine. You end the final one with a blaze of glory after sending splinters in every direction from the bashing you gave the door. Once done you take in a deep breath and face the woman in the tower. She looks expressionless about your achievement until you see her usual smile. She says,
"Well done, that might have been too easy for thee. Wilt thou have another but this time more difficult than the first?"
Krusten rubs her chin wondering if she would be 'setup' to fail this time. She wasn't the type to back off from a challenge so she agrees while suspiciously watching the woman.
The woman smiles and then raises her other hand to show you another contraption this time to the left of her. It is a grim sight as it is bigger and more intimidating than the first. You immediately gulp but sure up yourself. The woman says,
"Ye will need the same Skills as the first but in each task it will be far more difficult. Proceed when thou art ready."
Krusten nods at the woman while fixing her equipment. She sizes up the task and gives it her best effort seeing any kind of failure as not an option.
If this were routine you would have done well but this second contraption is extreme in nature and makes you fail at each attempt. You get angry and hit it with frustration. When you have let the steam out and regain composure you look over at the woman, still showing no emotion but smiling in your general direction but not directly at you.
Krusten's face is visibly cross. She leaves the test and goes over to the woman to complain. Are you sure this is a test or is meant to make fun of my skills?