Caius is the name, one given to me by my father. It's not a family name, and I am unsure of the true reason I was given it. Maybe he wanted me to have a name untethered to any previous person. Truly giving me a blank slate to make as renowned or as infamous as I am able to. Or perhaps he was afraid I would sully the family's reputation? No matter. Caius was the name given to me.
I am a simple mercenary, for now at least. With no known family alive, I need to make my own living to survive. I grew up around low-ranking foot soldiers, so I know their pay is pathetic. My allegiances are loose at best, and I can be swayed with a full pouch, or belly.
I am a young man, standing at exactly 6 feet tall. I have long, nimble limbs and lean musculature. Definitely built for dexterity over strength. I have shorter dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a fair complexion. My mother called me her handsome boy, but I've never had any romantic relationships and I am uninterested in them for now. Money and power are my mistresses.
I suppose I would consider myself a rogue. I'm not above using a dirty trick or two in a fight, nor am I above "borrowing" what I need from others. Honor is an ideal for the foolish and the poor, but at the same time, I find it unwise to make enemies unnecessarily. As stated above, my allegiances are with whoever is paying the most. I take my professional reputation seriously and, once hired, I will complete tasks given to me to the best of my abilities.
I intend to build my reputation as a capable mercenary and use my riches to live a long, comfortable life.
Advisor Description
After working as a trapper (Alongside some other… less honest… work), I made my way to the Tavern for a hot meal, a warm bed, and a lead on more work. I was looking down at the pouch of gold in my hand, counting out the pieces, when I walked straight into a wealthy looking middle-aged man. He wore newly tailored robes with a matching cap,and carried a silver, jewel-adorned cane. I, in my commoner's garb with dirt still fresh, knew I was in potential danger. The wealthy aren't known for their kindness, and I've seen many commoners punished for much less than an accidental bump. I began apologizing immediately. I just got paid and no way in hell was I going to lose this money by getting arrested.
"Pardon me, my boy!" the man kindly exclaimed. The man's jovial tone took me off-guard. I wasn't expecting him to sound so carefree. "It seems I was lost in thought. I should really pay more attention" he continued. I waved away his apology, apologized again, and was about to continue on my way but the man stopped me. "I see you have quite the pouch of gold there, son. Tell me, what is your profession?" he inquired. "I'm a trapper, m'lord." Best to keep it short and sweet. No need to raise any eyebrows about my other less-than-legal activities.
But the man saw right through me. "That is quite a hefty wage for a simple trapper. Do you think me a fool, boy?" the man demanded. "I know the man who hires the novice trappers. Hell, I know everyone in this town!"
The way he carried himself and the way he spoke gave me the idea that he was a man with power. His eyes must have been sharp to be able to judge my payment based on the size and fullness of my pouch. That, or he was keeping tabs on me from the beginning. But if that was the case, why? I concluded there was no reason for me to lie to the man, so I admitted to him what I was up to.
To my surprise, he seemed impressed. "You seem like a capable young man. I can use more eyes and ears like yours in the street." he explained. "Take this, and come see me sometime. By the way, my name is Dorner. I'm on the local business district counsel, so I'm sure I could teach you a few things."
I took the piece of paper and placed it in my pocket. I thanked him for the offer, and told him I would be in touch. Although I'm wary of what this man may need from me, he looks like he's got enough gold to keep me interested.
Reflections on your mother
My mother did care for me, in her own way. She would call me nice words and give the occasional hug. She would cook dinner nightly, provide a roof over my head. But something about our relationship seemed… hollow. I cared for her in turn, but never knew her as a real person. Just as "mother."
When she died, I didn't feel deep sorrow. Sad for her death, yes, but not true sorrow. Maybe that makes me an uncaring person. Others would surely think that. Honestly, I'm not sure how to think of it myself. I suppose that's why I don't think about it. There is one feeling that jumps out at me the most when I think of her being dead.
"Freedom." The freedom to go about the world with no historical strings attached. No one to worry about back home. No one to provide for. No one to take care of when they get old and crippled.
Rest in peace, mother. Your death, while saddens me, brings me strength.
Caius the Mercenary is raised. I, Caius, have died but am alive again! It may be the 1st time, but I shall conquer this waking dream even if it be the one hundredth time!.