I, am Alpherius. I was given this name because my father believed that a strong person requires a strong, leading name. A name fit for a king, a name truly fit for a son of his. In my younger years I became known as the charmer because I used to be quite adventurous, frequenting the taverns, and always being out. That led me to charming the maidens and winning their hearts. Alas, I have yet to meet a maiden who can pique my interest for longer than a day.
I stand at 6 inches and 4 feet tall with a bulky yet slender body. Even tho my father has blessed me with this body, I feel weak. I compensate for my weakness by being a quick thinker and being quick on my feet. I have soft long black hair with small hazel eyes. Tan skin and a sharp appearance in general intimidates most people, yet intrigues them. I try not to think of myself as unique.
I view myself as one who follows assassins and scholars, yet still follows himself and his own path.
I want to become known through the land and earn great respect but at the same time be feared among simple men. I shall achieve that by setting off into the world, trying to earn high prestige and dreaming big. Trying to put my name out there and using my cunningness, charm, nimbleness and blood to someday ascend to the throne. I generally view alliances as a must, although a waste of time.
Some things are better done alone, but a few close alliances and friends can take you a long way.
I intend to do everything needed in order to further my ambitions and prove to myself that I am worthy. I shall master politics, warfare and manipulation to further myself and even the people I share this life with. Thus, I hereby start this path towards conquest, blood and victory.
And perhaps, somewhere along the way, I shall find the person that piques my interest.
Advisor Description
It was an interesting evening that day.
I was walking around town like usual when I noticed someone following me from the shadows, it looked like he had been doing so for a while, but I couldn't be sure.
I checked by going inside the nearby tavern. It was full like usual, and just like I expected he went in.
I kept him at arms lenght, staring at him and studying him. It seemed like he had lost me.
It looked like in the end he gave up looking for me and went and sat down at the only empty table. He wanted me to go to him.
I did.
I walked up to this middle-aged and sturdy man and sat with him at the table.
Even tho he looked intimidating, I didn't budge. I stared him down.
Him watching me was way too suspicious.
So I started first, asked him who he was, what did he want and so on.
It turned out he was sent by my father to watch over us and protect us, because he himself couldn't be with us.
And if he was sent to watch over us, why didn't he help save mother?
Where was he on that night?
Did he kill her?
Turns out the answer is no. He was simply getting drunk at the tavern. What a politician he is. More like a drunkard.
But the interesting thing is, he got a letter saying an old good friend of his was there and wanted to meet, but when he arrived, no one was there. So he chose to wait by getting drunk.
He never arrived.
So whoever commited this hideous crime against my mother, knew of him.
He then cut me off from my thinking state and went on to talk for hours about how he watched me, how my father wanted him to, everything he's seen.
He wanted to teach me and be there for me while I am on the road to king.
It looked like he truly hoped for the best and had high standads for me.
But I still believe he is a bit suspicious of me, he was hiding something. I'll figure it out someday.
The most interesting thing was his speech, it was slow and noble, well-mannered.
A high ranking politican indeed, albeit a drunkard.
How peculiar.