QUOTE (Ca1979) |
How am I abasing my own people? |
People in the UK and the USA are constantly bombarded by media and commercials, consumption, and chemicals. We are dumbed down. Stop drinking cool-aid, and watching T.V. Get out in nature a little. You will start having deeper thoughts. It is kind of hard to get deeper than C S Lewis. The English have some great minds.
The fact that you ask that after what you have said further answers at what depth of your statements are made. To reply to your question maybe someone's task, but not mine in this case |
ca1979 I saw you mention us Trinis being "lazy" so if we are so "lazy" how can we be so "deep" at the same time? Explain me that.
I know what ca1979 is trying to say.
He is trying to say that because Trinis are so lazy that they have time to think about deeper thoughts. Maybe there is to much weed circulating around there.
Relax, the dude was trying to give you a compliment. Don't tell them you like their country. They might hang you.
No, that is it I am coming down there to that island to straiten everything out. I am bringing a one legged marine with me. That should do it. Prepare to get to work and stop thinking.
I don't see anything complimentary by stereotypying all Trinis by saying they are lazy.