Elgin the Emissary - Page 2 of 3

I, Elgin the Emissary, was attacked by a Dog - Page 2 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 19th Jan, 2019 - 8:11pm

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ROK II RPG Character 760 Medieval Text Adventure
18th Jan, 2019 - 2:58pm / Post ID: #

Elgin the Emissary - Page 2

Elgin the Emissary is raised. I am still Elgin the Emissary even if this mass escape into fantasy doth maketh me astounded the 4th time over.

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18th Jan, 2019 - 5:04pm / Post ID: #

Emissary Elgin

Breath of life comes to Elgin the Emissary. Mine duty is to be Ruler of Kings and yet I have suffered culpable negligence for the 5th time much to mine astounded. I am not in a mass escape into fantasy yet I have become it.

18th Jan, 2019 - 5:07pm / Post ID: #

Elgin the Emissary Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Breath of life comes to Elgin the Emissary. Mine errors hath doomed me for the 6th time all because of my surprised past in this quest. I need to changeth mine calling.

18th Jan, 2019 - 8:01pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Emissary Elgin

Reflections on your father

I have only a few memories of my father. His hair was much like my unruly locks. I loved hiding at at the door to his study. He remained quiet as his pen-hand worked feverishly to catch up on some overdue correspondence. After a moment, he would quickly look up to catch me and I would run to jump in his lap. He enjoyed taking a break and asking about my adventures while he was gone. Of course, he said it wasn't quite as proper after my fifteenth year. Kidding.

His plans to teach me skills needed to be a man were halted when he died. I don't feel comfortable writing about that subject just yet.

I did find a pouch of Pretty Pebbles when I sold the estate but I lost them in a dice rolling game awhile ago. He was not one for gambling but I may need to learn some dice skills.

18th Jan, 2019 - 8:32pm / Post ID: #

Emissary Elgin

Message to Advisor

Visited the library in town to study creatures using my known enemy skill. Found out why I have been defeated time and time again. Did you know a giant of any kind of creature doesn't mean it's a "little bigger"?

After my last defeat, I find myself transported to LlFair. Have much more armour than I need as I am not ready for conflict. Am considering the sale of some of it to get back some gold. However, I can always cut hair and shovel feces like a 15th level paladin to make some.

Wish me luck and thank you for the gift.

19th Jan, 2019 - 10:37am / Post ID: #

Elgin the Emissary

Most beautiful lady of Elgin

In my rush to gather those things for my survival, I was suddenly stopped in my steps and my mind calmed. I stared at a vision so lovely my heart forgot to beat. Only for a moment, then it rushed and pounded as my mind tried to understand the flush coming over me.

My calmness turned to storm and I realized I had not taken a breath. I breathed in deeply as though I was taking her in with all my senses. The offer to chance a meeting with her barely registered as a thought as I accepted the invitation without pause.

The moment passed and it left me as if I were stunned. She was gone, but my thoughts of her beauty remains.

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19th Jan, 2019 - 8:09pm / Post ID: #

Elgin Emissary - Page 2

I, Elgin the Emissary, was attacked by a Bat Swarm and was victorious in combat.

19th Jan, 2019 - 8:11pm / Post ID: #

Elgin Emissary Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 2

I, Elgin the Emissary, was attacked by a Dog Rat and was victorious in combat.

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> TOPIC: Elgin the Emissary


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