Eglin. My mother agreed with my father in giving me an old Celtic name. It means "Noble" or "White". She believed I was destined to rule.
I have yet to see this prophesy coming to pass.
I have thick brown hair that I leave to it's own appearance. I gave up trying to tame it years ago, so its usually in a state of, for lack of a better word, ruffled.
At six foot two and a half on a good day, I can always get a good spot to watch the theatrical shows put on by the local troop. They always cheer me up.
With no father to push me into the normal rough housing of children, I managed to keep from scarring a fairly handsome face with a clean complexion. I'm not trying to be conceded, only as honest as one can be about themselves.
I am not a follower of any specific religion or faith, but have learned much about the Catholic faith as this was my mother's belief. I was raised as such but somehow never gave myself completely into it's system.
I do believe my destiny lies out there, somewhere. I look forward to the adventures I will have in finding my calling. My hope is that I will not always be forced to fight or take a life but rather reason be my pike. Just know I will defend my honor by way of words or weapons.
Finding work as an Emissary should provide me with tools I need to hone my people skills. I was born into this war and something drives me to find a path to path. How better for an inexperienced adventurer to learn about those who control our very existence.
As a side note, if I had my druthers, a quiet life as a a collier would suit me fondly.
Advisor Description
Nathaniel was a friend of my father. He has always seen to the needs of my family during my father's absence. My mother told me father had saved his life when they were young, before I was born.
I can remember the first time I met him. I was playing with an old lute, I had found discarded in the street. I had fixed the broken neck and was attempting to play the "Song of Roland". He stopped to help me with the words and even played a piece for me to study.
I would suspect my mother has asked him to watch over me. I have always thought of him as a good man and welcome his advise at any time.
Perhaps he shares my parents belief in what will become of me. He himself has proven to be a respected politician, but compulsion for gamble has thwarted his career.
The Resurrection of Elgin the Emissary. I, Elgin, have died but am alive again! I awoke again for the 1st time. I am overwhelmed by it. I felt like it was a world of the middle ages. I shall object in mind for better.
Reflections On Your Mother
Mother was a loving woman, but found it hard to express.She was raised in a war torn town and as a child can remember hiding with her mother as their home was destroyed. I always felt protective of her. I can only hope she has found peace wherever her spirit is now.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Your skin as fair as moonlight
A flower blooming at midnight
With eyes, of azure blue
like sparkling morning dew
I blush at lips so red,so full
and hair drawn from a golden spool
From hence my dreams
will be nightly haunted
My desires will be only taunted.
Breath of life comes to Elgin the Emissary. A title of Emissary did not protecteth me from my 2nd surprised death. No more must mine calling bring me to this point.
Elgin the Emissary is raised. I awoke again for the 3rd time. I am fascinated by it. I felt like it was a fantastical era. I shall pursuit for better.
Today, my encounter with a Bully ended with me slaying the Bully.