Reflections On Your Mother
My mother was of low birth but noble heart. I needed no other parent. For me, she was always there, always protective, always instructional. She was my guide into this chaotic world.
My earliest memory of her is her trying to prevent me from playing with a snake I had found in the garden. She kept telling me that snakes were dangerous, but I just swung the snake by its tail and laughed. Then the snake bit me and I suddenly understood her teaching.
She is the one who first told me that I was special and that while I might make friends, in some ways, I would always be set apart as I must bear alone the burden of my potential. It was a harsh lesson. But I learned that even in loneliness, there can be found love. That was the greatest lesson she gave to me.
A Hyena Pack attacked me but I made the final blow that left the Hyena Pack dead.
I have defeated a Loner. Let all know that it be by the mighty hands of Ajax the Merciless.
Today, my encounter with a Brown Bear ended with me slaying the Brown Bear.
Now that I have attained Level 4 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Ajax than otherwise might have been known.
Message to Advisor
So I traveled west of Town today in search of adventure. I ran into a few ruffians who did not do any damage to me. But I was unable to make it back to Town before I had to sleep. The next morning I ran into a bear. That was a tough fight and I had to use one of my healing potions. That means the meager gold found did not make up for the 70 gold of healing potion I consumed. The trip set me back further in gold. Finding gold is a huge problem.
T'was the first time I encountered a Giant Spider. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.
I, Ajax the Merciless, was attacked by a Giant ant and was victorious in combat.