I, am James and I wast given this nameth because I wast nam'd aft'r king James. I am known as the knight because yond is what I aspire to best.
I standeth 6'3" tall with a muscular corse. I hast brown hair with big brown eyes. Mine own olive skin and a rough compliment extern in gen'ral maketh me unique.
I seeth myself as one who is't follows knights. I wanteth to becometh a knight by first starting a tradeth in sw'rd f'r hire 'r doing protection. I generally view alliances as very behoveful.
I intendeth to doth aught behoveful as longeth as is fair and hon'rable in 'rd'r to becometh the next rul'r of kings. T shouldst beest known yond I nev'r giveth up on what I wanteth. Thus, I anon starteth this path towards knighthood.
My builders have completed meh wooden abode so that I, James will abide there.
Advisor Description
We hath met because john wast helping mine own family with some bandit problems. The meeting wast v'ry c'rdial and john apace tooketh me und'r his wing. I did enjoy having this sir keeping an eye on me and guiding me as I hath grown up t madeth me feeleth safe. I seeth this relationship going as cater-cousins confidants then w'rk mates and finally with me as a knight I bethink that gent wouldst beest mine own advis'r. John wouldst liketh to seeth me succeedeth in ev'rything I doth in life nay matt'r what I decideth. John thinkest of me liketh the son that gent nev'r hadst.
A Dog Rat attacked me but I made the final blow that left the Dog Rat dead.
Reflections On Your Mother
Mine own moth'r is nam'd Bonnie and the lady hast w'rk'd all h'r life on the farm to provideth f'r me and maketh sure I hadst a comf'rtable life. The lady is kind and fair but strict at which hour is behoveful. The lady eke hath seemed to knoweth yond I hadst a destiny yond wasn't jump n'rmal yond I wast destin'd f'r greatness. I'm not sure if 't be true this is some prophetic pow'r the lady hadst 'r if 't be true the lady wast inf'rm'd about t by someone 'r something else. The lady wast quite quaint with longeth brown hair and hazel eyes. I misseth h'r t'rribly and wanteth not to disappoint h'r mem'ry.
T'was the first time I encountered a Bat Swarm. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.
Most beautiful lady of James
The most quite quaint mistress I just did see hadst g'rgeous reddish brown hair, wast did dress cons'rvatively yet still showing h'r curves. I learn'd from listening in on conv'rsations 'round h'r yond h'r nameth is heath'r. The lady w'rks at a local marketeth. The lady hast a most wondrous senseth of humeth'r, and is a v'ry intelligent mistress. I knoweth the lady is mine own soul mateth with ev'ry fib'r of mine own being! I wilt meeteth h'r and maketh h'r mine own jointress!.
The Resurrection of James the Knight. I, James, have died but am alive again! I am still James the Knight even if this waking dream doth maketh me astonished the 1st time over.