Thorn left the world full of the ideology that he had while in the world.
Thorn felt he had a lot to give to the world yet he did not allow himself the chance to create the vision he felt he deserved. Humbleness was not a trait he used well. He rushed into many situations without first thinking them through. His life choices were poor to say the least.
Towards the end of his life Thorn felt he was letting down the people that mattered to him. He knew his father expected great things from him and his mother tried to give him the tools to succeed. This weighed heavy on Thorn at his young age.
Reflection on his time in the town was filled with disappointment he failed to provide entertainment at the Tavern. One of his biggest regrets was the way he did not try to work out the issues at the house of sorrow. In addition, he was not even close to being a good translator.
He did get to glimpse the lady of his dreams though - her golden red hair filled his thoughts and gave him will to live. Yet he only saw her the once. Now he will never get the chance to see her again.
It was almost suicidal for him to attempt to rid the Library of the giant spider that graced its building. Foolhardy or brave may be the question that is on the lips of the townsfolk. With I am thinking many of them going with the moniker of foolhardy. He took the job to try and prove his worth to the town but in many ways to himself.
Thorn with regret will pass from these realms. Saddened because his life did not fulfill his potential. Yet hopeful that those that follow him into the Town will hopefully learn lessons from his demise.