My name is Zabu, the wanderer. My father named me after a close friend of his, a bard, who would tell their tales of glorious battle. I am a Hobbit, just like my mother and father. I stand 3 feet and 6 inches with a slim, but fair, frame. Matching short brown hair and small brown eyes adorn my tanned face to make a rather plain look. I follow the arts. Whether it be music, magic, or sword play, I intend to mix them well enough for my masterpiece. I suppose I should start by learning a few songs. I can play the lyre fairly well. Thus, I begin my journey.
Advisor Description
Shortly after entering the Town early in the morning, I was approached by a man. He was wearing peasant's clothes, but was clean, indicating a middle class lifestyle. He awkwardly introduced himself as Roland. He confessed that he had been watching me. It was a bit disconcerting until he explained that he was an old friend of my parents. He had only seen me once, a little after I was born, but when he heard of my mothers death, he came to find me and help in any way he can. I will keep my eye on him in case he tries to take advantage of me, but I do hope he truly is a loyal friend.