I am Fynnwynn, and I was given this name to honor my uncles who lived and died with honor well before the day of mine own birth. I am known as the wizard because of my proclivity with power both natural and mystical.
I stand six feet, four inches tall with a skinny but wiry body. I have shoulder-length brown hair with big, gray eyes. In addition to my build, the paleness of my skin and a generally lanky appearance gives me a unique look.
I see myself as one who follows the magic-user's path. I want to improve the standing of my family, as did my father and his own father before him. In such manner, my own future becomes assured. I intend to begin by acquiring knowledge that offers direct power, whether that be alchemy, arcane, or something else matters not. Let me but find a band of courageous allies, and a quest worthy of us, and the world shall know my name.
As a first step in walking through the larger world, I hope to join an adventuring (Or even mercenary) company whose purpose is noble and future is profitable. Risk be damned. I intend to make my mark on this existence.