This day marks the death of Alden the King who thought to conquer but was instead conquered.
Who hath the inheritance of Nephi the Blessed. Death is upon Nephi thus material things matter not.
This day marks the death of Rika the Weird who thought to conquer but was instead conquered.
Esme the Sorcerer is DEAD after suffering mortal wounds in a bid to change the world.
And so it was that the elf known as Esme the Sorcerer, ended life without fulfilling the true purpose that Esme was sent to achieve.
We mourn for Pathfinder the Ranger a half-orc that could not cope with the events of life.
Foye the Weird, a known unknown, died before the journey could even begin. Such is the end life of a cheat.
Let the death of Pathfinder the Ranger serve as a warning that one should not take lightly the importance of life.