Today, we announce the death of Diantha the Duchess, who was favored for something greater but succumbed to a disastrous fate.
We mourn for Diantha the Duchess a human that could not cope with the events of life.
Let the death of Diantha the Duchess serve as a warning that one should not take lightly the importance of life.
Diantha the Duchess died today.
Today, we announce the death of Diantha the Duchess, who was favored for something greater but succumbed to a disastrous fate.
The human known as Diantha the Duchess has met an unfavored death and now visits the Reaper.
Today, we announce the death of Diantha the Duchess, who was favored for something greater but succumbed to a disastrous fate.
We mourn for Diantha the Duchess a human that could not cope with the events of life.