Dead is Hayden the Hangman a citizen of Mankind and a hopeless Ruler who dreamed further ahead of reality.
Dead is Elsie the Priestess a citizen of Mankind and a hopeless Ruler who dreamed further ahead of reality.
Dead is Thane the Warrior a citizen of Mankind and a hopeless Ruler who dreamed further ahead of reality.
Today, we announce the death of Pip the Pathfinder, who was favored for something greater but succumbed to a disastrous fate.
This day marks the death of Brothin the Healer who thought to conquer but was instead conquered.
Death hath taken Killian the Slayer because Killian failed to prepare for what was ahead.
The human known as Connor the Rogue has met an unfavored death and now visits the Reaper.
Cedric the Swordsman died today.