Who hath the inheritance of James the Evil. Death is upon James thus material things matter not.
This day marks the death of James the Evil who thought to conquer but was instead conquered.
We mourn for James the Evil a human that could not cope with the events of life.
Surely if James the Evil is to be remembered as a brave adventurer then the death of this human cannot be the final chapter… or is it?
The human known as James the Evil has met an unfavored death and now visits the Reaper.
Davian the Druid, a known unknown, died before the journey could even begin. Such is the end life of a cheat.
Let the death of Zalzyn the Mage serve as a warning that one should not take lightly the importance of life.
This day marks the death of Zalzyn the Mage who thought to conquer but was instead conquered.