Greetings, I am Law, a born human with human parents. I am know as the charmer due to my uncanny ability to bring people together and make friends.
I stand at 5"7 tall with an nonathletic body. I have long black hair with small braids and dark brown eyes. My brown skin and grim appearance in general makes me seem more melancholic than I am.
I see myself as one who follows strong people, regardless of background. I instead focus on how they present themselves in the present. I want to get stronger and become someone who doesn't need to rely on others anymore. I generally view alliances as necessary but that each member should be able to hold their own.
I intend to do my best in helping others like I've always done in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. Thus, I now start this path towards life.
Advisor Description
I first met melodious at the young age of fourteen. I was without doing my daily chores and as I pinned up our apparel that I had finished washing I was hit by a bawbling pebble towards the back. Startled, I turned around to find a mischievous little man who looked about my age with a handful of rocks in his hands. He seemed to be looking for trouble and though I knew better I decided to indulge him. Young men such as himself tend to pull nasty pranks towards the townsfolk when they are bored. I picked up the pebble he threw and chucked it back upon him yet due to my lack of strength it merely tapped his shoulder. Even so, we ended up in a rock fight that lasted well pass curfew. Out of breath I bid , "who are thou to assault a lady?" 'twere merely a joke of course, as I bore no ill-will towards the boy.
"I am melodious, I live at the end of town! thou are one entertaining lady, we should'st horse around some more."
While I do find his company reassuring, as we grew older he started to treat me as fragile and I do wish he'd not see me that way. I can take care of myself just fine. Even so I believe we shall be friends for a long time. Once I become stronger we'll be no less than equals. I just know he will be proud of how I've grown when my journey is upon it's end.
House of Sorrows
"though I am no scholar I believe I understand quite clearly. These children, they don't seem cursed. No, what they have is something that was already there at birth, not given. Have you pondered that you keeping them in here is perhaps not for the best. They are but children! They need to be taught and encouraged to live their own life. I am no stranger to feeling the way you do, you are terrified that once you are gone the children will have no one to rely on but you are overlooking the fact that they have each other. The world is scary and taking care of special children such as these is probably scary as well. I'm sure if you explain they're actions to the villagers they shall be welcomed with open arms by most" I speak slowly and clearly. I'm trying prove to him that I know, yet my tendency to try and prove myself outweighed my actual understanding. There was still so much I wanted to learn.
It took us awhile to find her body. Deep in the labyrinth, body rotting to none. It was a gruesome sight to behold and the smell was worse. Looking back on her life, I found it odd when she asked to remain on her own on this quest. She soothed my worries saying that she'd gotten plenty strong. Clearly that was a lie.
I may only hope that her spirit rests in her peaceful slumber. I, Melodious, shall continue your legacy until my very last breath.