What is your opinion on the appointment of Vasant Bharath as Minister of Food Production?
TV6 News is going after Vasant Bharath hinting at arrogance in the way the media was treated at a conference they were asked to attend where Bharath was speaking to farmers.. True or not I am glad that the media is not just taking whatever is dished out to them. Let's see where this goes.
What surprises me the most about politicians in Trinidad is that somewhat they feel the Media houses MUST record all their conferences and meetings and broadcast it if not, they get very upset. It is in the RIGHT of the Media houses to CHOOSE what or which part of those meetings they want to broadcast. If the story is true, Mr. Bharath was way out of place.
I came across this old topic and now seeing just how 'new' it still is. Vasant did try to get leadership of the UNC back then but lost. Now I see he is at it again but I don't think he has that much support. We will see when UNC has its next internal elections.