As Amrnyth watches the town fading into the distance he ponders what dangers may lay ahead and is sure to keep his short bow at ready, alongside his quiver and spear. He has never before ventured near the southern mountains and does not know what to expect, so he is prepared for anything.
OOC: Thanks KNtoran.
Daphne wonders what Scout and Wanderer are talking about and even think they may be arguing or even making a plan to get whatever goodies the group may find. She trusts no one.
She looks around and says softly...
Looks like a nice day, I hope we reach on time. Be aware of your surroundings even friendly faces can be enemies in disguise.
Amrynth notes the position of the sun and estimates that more than three hours has elapsed, at least that's what his arse was telling him. He takes a chew of jerky and a few swigs of water as he twists about and looks to their leader, riding ahead having a discussion with the scout. It is good to see him and the guide exchanging information.
"Driver.", he calls to Crusher. "I think me arse jumped out of the wagon a few leagues back! How about we stop, for a wee bit."
Edited: Tiphereth on 11th Feb, 2009 - 12:53am
aye I agree we need to stop so me can rest me bellies rumbling. Kalfie. ye said that they get supplied from east city. We needst to make a trap in thee roadway so that their cart is waylaid before the supplies reach deaths mouth. Me thinks scout may be able to show us one of these trails to waylay a bandit or two. If we can get one to talk me thinks we can learn a lot more.
Upon hearing the knowledge relayed by their leader, and listening to the counsel of Thomas, Amrynth ponders their situation.
The ambush of a raiding party may be risky, one could escape to alert the others of their presence and they were not sure when next the bandits may need supplies. If their strength lie in numbers then would it not be more prudent to divide their numbers? A narrow passage limits the strength of an army, and to approach by way of tunnel may give them the advantage.
When at last the cart is halted, he will humbly add his thoughts to the decision of the group. He will mention that, "I for one believe we should attempt to capture one of the birds and make them sing of these lesser traveled passages. The bandits may not miss one of their number for some time, where as an ambushed raiding party may bring their army upon us. Against such numbers our strength lies in subterfuge. Such is my mind, but I will stand behind the command of our leader."
OOC: I made the assumption that Scout's information would naturally flow to the rest of the party. Sorry if I over stepped. Amrynth's mind will still stand when the party has a formal meeting then.
Me agrees with ye Amrynth. We needs to get one of the bird to sing. In the mean time me thinks a simple trap unwatched to waylaid the birds supplies can cause them a disruption where they may divide their forces thus giving us more of an advantage to get the job done.
How will we catch one of them without alerting all the others?
OOC Are we allowed to ask questions to the scout or do we have to just go by what he says?