OOC You guys did good in the first round. Daphn only has one life point left so maybe she should stay away from fighting but then again with the amount of bandits and wolves you guys are going to be really out numbered so you need every hand. Either way I don't think were going to be there in time according to what the DM put.
Amrynth, hefts up his sword and leaps into the wagon, dropping his bow near his feet (within the wagon) seeing that he will not have time to notch an arrow before the melee will begin.
"Have at thee, ye motherless dogs!" he defiantly screams and awaits the onslaught.
Edited: Tiphereth on 7th Mar, 2009 - 10:48pm
OOC: Even though Daphne is hurt, I want her to fight with every drop of strength she may have. Also I think one of us should take as hostage the bandit that fell with the arrow on his chest, the GM didn't say if he was dead.
OOC Daphne has the right spirit for war, go get those raiders! Just wondering, is wolf meat edible?
OOC: Sounds good. Thanks Krakyn. Amrynth is going to make sure he's in wagon, just to have the advantage of some higher ground against the wolves. As I stated he'll drop his bow in the wagon after he gets in. If he has time he'll get his quiver off, but I doubt that he would, seems like every one is almost on top of him and Crusher.
Feeling the arrow ricochet off his armour, Amrynth says a silent prayer of thanks. He is now aware that the bandits are archers, but even though he is more of a target on the wagon he will not give up his advantage over the wolves.
Amrynth will continue to help Kalfie by hacking down at the wolves but should a bandit ride within striking range he will turn his attack on them.