ooc: I would suggest looking into the other areas while we gather more people and try to actively recruit. Hitting intros and encouraging people does help.
Also this will give you time to gather more fp for supplies or Armour upgrades before getting started. (look at the bank to see cost of fp to gold.)
I am also thinking if you wish to talk more about this hit a different thread as this is supposed to be strictly for the game interaction of our character. I strongly think we should develop a well thought out plan before this start as that is what it is for here.
IC: So you are not scared of the trip to the deaths mouth young adventurer?
Silently Kalfie ponder if the fellow will follow the track of the last two comrades.
Now I do have some provisions stored at a local farmers but me thinks it is best to keep all the men away from there as the daughter is comely and I may never get to drag you outta there.
OOC Sorry I keep forgetting the "OOC".
I am anxious for adventure and gold to fill my sacks. Standing too long makes me nervous. Aren't there real warrirors around here?
What plan have you in mind? My plan is simple: I see the enemy, I kill the enemy, I take their gold. I spend their gold.
Simple is nice but when outnumbered or they have a strong advantage then what?
*unfolds a crude wrinkled map* See we are north of the mountains and this point in the south the mountains break. That is deaths mouth, they blighters camp on the far side! Question is how to get through or up to them.
Might work if we draw them out then ambush the attacker 20 or so most likely. They also have a supply wagon running from far city. We could go there and find out more as well.
We must bring them to our trap. If we're out numbered then a surprise attack is what we need. We all need bows to get some arrows biting them before they reach us in hand to hand.
Yes and if we could bag a supply wagon it might force them to send to see what happened. Time is against us once we enter those lands. What we do we will have to go set it up then spring it fast. They will be interested in revenge on me I am sure.
My thought is simple on this. What if we build a trap for their supply wagon. If we find a place where we can remain hidden from sight and cause their supply train to stall we will cause them harm. When they come searching for their supplies we are the ones who spring a trap on them.