ooc remind me we have to post our purchases on the very first party order when we start.
Far to the south lies a passage to the alnds past the mountains. It be caled Deaths mouth. A fould place indeed. That passage is the key to the defense of the bandits who camp south of it. It be high and narrow easy to defend. We need to roust them out.
OOC - So the GM has me in the party as my Magician. Should I forge ahead or create a warrior for this scenario? If I am moving forward with my magician (I would love to level her up, but am not in the mood for a suicide mission just yet) I will need to armour her up first.
Edited: alskann on 13th Nov, 2008 - 5:11am
OOC Only way to get the Warrior is to delete you magician we are only allowed one character at a time. Sorry about that.
We need to ask Quasar if he is up for this round and check in on farseer as to how her time is. What happened to alaskan LDS?
I be of one who hast worked with the stone. I can gets us up above them so we may be able to get up over them and shoot down at them from a place they can not get to. This knowledge of stone can give yous thee advantage of gittin yous quest of revenge upon them thieves.
*Looks down between his knees studying his feet. Looking up.* I fail to see how one knowledge of stone cutting will aid three in climbing. I fear it would be a fools errand.
What we need is one of those *focuses real hard.* Mountaineers I think they be called.