Amrynth I'm Crusher and we are in the same trade. I'm happy that you showed up to help us against the enemy to the south.
OOC yes this is the place where we discuss preparations for the next adventure, so happy you could join in. We just need one more fighter. I think there is one close to 30 posts already.
Amrynth rises smoothly from the fire and stands before the two strangers. He extends an arm to the warrior in the fashion that their trade is accustomed to.
"Ave. Well met, Crusher." The tall man's voice is deep, with the hint of a trilling accent.
He looks to the other, and hesitates in his warrior's embrace not yet decided of this man's trade.
"Thomas." A slight nod accompanies his greeting. "What is your trade?"
Nice, well met all of you. Now we must be urgent about getting the numbers necessary. We have a leader chosen already?
OOC - I have not seen the mage participate what about the other member close to 30?
OOC: The mage is about just waiting in the wings for it all to get going. She will join us as soon as we get going. We have not selected a party leader as of yet. I have a note out to FarSeer to see if she is keeping her warrior with us. IF that is the case we only need one. RPG expert has the required posts just not the participation level.
OOC so we have four warrirors and a mage with no magic. Who is usually leader you or krakyn?