Cyrus the Paladin - Page 5 of 5

Otto the guardsman stood over the makeshift - Page 5 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 13th Jun, 2019 - 10:07am

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12th Jun, 2019 - 1:41am / Post ID: #

Cyrus the Paladin - Page 5

Cyrus the Paladin Lives!. My quest shall continue despite my 3rd demise, no one shall keep me below.

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13th Jun, 2019 - 1:57am / Post ID: #

Paladin Cyrus

The Town Guard

"Isa Rishous path" slurred the half-orc, spraying his drinking companion with ale suds.

"Aye," replied Otto the gate guard, "I suppose 'tis. Would be bedlam in Town if'n we dinna keep out the ruffians." He looked at Cyrus with some concern and a hint of awe. "Here now, tha's yer 10th if I'm countin' aright."

The wannabe paladin nodded, and slapped Otto heartily on the back. "Youra clever one. I never had a, a, a headforthe numbers." At which point his jutting forehead struck the table and a loud snoring commenced."

"Here now big fella. Let's getcha on home." He tugged futilely at Cyrus's arm before signaling the tavern wench for assistance.

13th Jun, 2019 - 1:57am / Post ID: #

Cyrus the Paladin Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Message to Advisor

This was a shameful week for me mother. I made a mockery of myself in the clan before resigning in desperation. Then I was defeated soundly by library spiders. But I learned that the paladins require sword mastery, so I have put aside my axe.

13th Jun, 2019 - 10:02am / Post ID: #

Page 5 Paladin Cyrus

Relation Description

"I did not think the stirrings of the flesh would ever affect me, Otto my friend. But on yesterweek I was trying hopelessly to teach the prisoners at the jail to grow beets, when there she was striding past the gardens en route to some Worthy errand. A sturdy female human, stern and strong of countenance with a face lined by hard work and determination. She wore a proper gray dress, and sailed past like a galleon before the wind, proud and unstoppable. Grizelda, they called her, Mistress of the Kitchens! Oh how many more ales shall it take to rinse her from my tortured heart, and how shall I get her to see past the Orc in my face to the Son of Iomedae in my Soul? You must help me!"

13th Jun, 2019 - 10:02am / Post ID: #

Paladin Cyrus

Worship of Iomedae

Tamer of the Void, Mistress of the Sword, Wielder of the Scales, I beseech thee. Show me the way to the heart of the indomitable Grizelda. You who sees the core of all men and women, see the Desire in my heart as Just and Honorable. For if I am to Rule in Thy Name, then my line must increase!.

13th Jun, 2019 - 10:07am / Post ID: #

Cyrus the Paladin

Otto the guardsman stood over the makeshift grave.

"Well, er, I guess I am his only friend such as it is. Truth to tell he had very little to recommend him exceptin' combat prowess and he didn't win in combat very much. So there you are, probably should've stayed on the farm poor soul. Hopefully the next life is kinder to 'im. I s'pose he was a good sort in his way. Anyway he's with his Dad now what he always went on and on about, and his Lady that he was so devoted to.

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