Islam In Pakistan
Islam Related
Name: Whitney
Comments: Pakistan has changed so much from a decade ago, their version of Islam is becoming more radicalized look at how they were keeping Osama bin Laden safe, you can't tell me no one knew about it. Is this what clerics are teaching the people?
Warning of more Pakistan violence
Violence against Pakistani Shi'ite Muslims is rising and some communities are living in a state of siege, a human rights group said, warning that sectarian violence will only get worse a day after 114 people were killed in bombings. Ref. Source 9
Pakistan: Fatwa Approves Polio Vaccine But
The fatwa council of Pakistan finally issued a ruling that giving polio vaccine to children is not forbidden by Islam, according to the PakTribune.
Pakistan clashes over Charlie Hebdo cartoon:
The authorities used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the demonstration, near the French consulate in Karachi. The protest was part of a nationwide rally called by Jamaat-e-Islami, the country's largest Islamist party. Ref. Source 9
The killing humans have done in the name of religion is staggering. How can we take something like religion which should be beautiful and peaceful and pervert it to where it's ugly and full of hate? Ah, because we're human and we can use anything to gain power over others.
That is pretty wild. His followers would come to the shrine weekly for torture to cleanse them. It is really frightening that people would actually do that. He said he killed them because he thought you were going to kill him. He most definitely has a few issues there.