International Discussions Newsletter 24-25 June, 2019
This is our new look to our Newsletter. We have not sent out any newsletters for awhile and wanted to update you on two things for a start:
Ruler of Kings II
Ruler of Kings II is always expanding although at a slower pace than we might like. Time is always a factor as the creator of the game is also an Autism Parent. Your support always helps things to move forward. Begin playing: Play Now!
JB Talks About Text Role-playing Games
We want to tell you about how JB, the Administrator of the Community, has created his own channel on Youtube. Videos about life, autism and even Text Role-playing Games have been uploaded with more on the way in the near future. Please take a moment to subscribe there to see the latest videos when they are created. View Channel
What's Being Discussed
Look for the latest Discussions via the button below and do not be shy, join in and give your comments. Latest Topics