Awkward Movements Burlesque Competition
Huna complains to his sister. "Ye told me I had to learn to be laughed at without starting a brawl and this was a sore test. She gave me a barely adequate loincloth and had me stand in a barrel. Then whenever I wavered the half-drunken crowd would jeer and throw rotted food. I emerged victorious. But are you sure I can't cut off just one of the rabble's head and teach them a lesson?"
House of Sorrows
Our culture has placed material things and individual achievement above connections among people and between people and Nature. But social bonds are necessary for cultural survival and individual mental health. People may always have been born with conditions like autism or emotional disorders but a place for them in the cultural fabric would have been clear and maybe even venerated. Now they are stigmatized and isolated as are those who struggle to care for them like the House of Sorrow, leading to suffering and Anxiety. Thus Jean has created an alternate reality where we all work together to tell a story by developing our own stories and to connect via mature discussions.
Message to Advisor
This was the end of a long and sleepless month. Fueled by some arcane elixir, I was able to work tirelessly toward my goal. I have become an accomplished horseback rider, and fought off several bullies that were harassing either me or other citizens of the Town. Although gold is still in short supply I feel that I will reach a turning point soon.
Worship of Mirima
Great Mistress of the Winds, you have smiled on me these many weeks and I humbly thank you. I now can ride like the wind itself, and I hope you will accept my galloping across the plains as praise of your name. All give thanks for the Free Will that let's an elf pursue his heart's desire!.
Finding a job
It's not too hard to find a job as a Bodyguard. These are violent times and protection is in high demand. Mostly it is low paying and I have spent many a day doing guardwork for the jail for a few coins per detail. I could apprentice at the weaponsmith, but I fear that would take me away for too long of my ultimate pursuit!.
Dating Viora
My heart sorrows, dearest Viora, for thou hast suffered loneliness as I pursue my life quest. Thy patience matches thy tenderness and hearty laughter as thy greatest gifts my lovely one. Despair not for my blindness is lifted and if thee will have me, we shall move forward as partners in all things.