Huna the Mercenary

Huna Mercenary - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 12th Jul, 2019 - 1:32am

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ROK II RPG Character 885 Medieval Text Adventure
10th Jul, 2019 - 3:17am / Post ID: #

Huna the Mercenary

Born in the shadows of war between the dark and the light elves, Huna was given a name meaning "the hidden" or "the invisible" His parents' union was strictly forbidden, as they were of opposite elven races. Huna's father was Orono, a dark elf captain, and for reasons he could never quite explain Orono spared Morwenna, the captivating "surface" elf after his company overran her village before being driven out by reinforcements. Orono became a deserter and the two elves often met secretly and gave birth to Huna, who was kept a secret from both clans.

Huna grew to be tall and willowy, with skin only slightly lighter than his father's and notable silvery hair like his mother's, with piercing black eyes. His features are striking, as with all elves.

He was trained in the martial arts by his father who knew his life would be one where acceptance was difficult. However Huna became such a skilled swordsman that his blade was sought for hire, and at a young age he became known as The Mercenary.

Huna believes that as a representative of two warring peoples, he is uniquely positioned to forge a lasting piece. He will do so as he knows best, by his mastery of the blade.

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10th Jul, 2019 - 4:12am / Post ID: #

Mercenary Huna

Today, I have purchased one of the wooden abodes offered by the Town Builders. Outside the main door of my abode is a wooden plaque that reads, "The Home of Huna the Mercenary".

10th Jul, 2019 - 8:39am / Post ID: #

Huna the Mercenary Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

Huna stared at the pale figure by the wood's edge that seemed to nearly glow in her silver dress in the dawn by his campsite. He spoke slowly, in his lilting baritone.

"My mother had a… daughter."

"Aye, Huna. I walked this land 100 years before you entered it. And now I must carry out Morwenna's final directive to me. To bring you such guidance and aid as I may."

The mercenary sneered. "Sister then… ye best stay clear. People get hurt near me and I get paid to hurt back!"

The elven woman did not flinch, but fleetingly looked sad. "Do not mistake me by my appearance. I did not survive a century in these bloody times by cowering!" She raised a hand which crackled with arcane energy. Huna's eyes widened and his sneer turned into a manic grin.

10th Jul, 2019 - 10:38am / Post ID: #

Mercenary Huna

Hole In Meh Bucket Burlesque Competition

On my first day in town, I humbled myself before a jeering crowd to enter a silly tavern game. I got water in my boots, and they all laughed at me. Is this the civilized life I have striven towards? I got water in my new boots and a human female, the proprietress of the games, clapped me heartily on the backside. These people do need a firm Ruler.

10th Jul, 2019 - 11:14am / Post ID: #

Mercenary Huna

Reflections On Your Mother

Morwenna Silverhair she was, serene and powerful. While my father fought by the blade, my mother controlled the Magick of the leylines. Although my own path followed that of Orono, I spent my first 8 years learning from my mother. She took me from mountaintop to ancient forest glade to the depths of lakes, instructing me on tapping the arcane energies in any environment. She was patient and soft-spoken. While my father spoke of his love for Morwenna as a weakness he could not conquer, she spoke of love as a saving grace. As for me, I am in confusion of mind over this subject.

11th Jul, 2019 - 4:30pm / Post ID: #

Huna the Mercenary

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

Is it the cornfields of the Western Plains before me, glowing russet gold in the dwindling sun? Nay, it is her silken hair gracing the Halls of Parody.

Do I contemplate the crystal pools of the Valley Forest, glacier-fed and mirroring an unblemished sky? Nay it is her clear eyes laughing at the world and urging the world to laugh.

Can this be the snow-draped field of the Alpine Meadows in December, lustrous and pale pink in the dawn? Nay it is but the ivory skin of her face, gleaming in mirth.

Thus is the beauty of The Lady Fluke, radiant in her love and generosity.

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11th Jul, 2019 - 6:49pm / Post ID: #

Huna Mercenary

Deity of Huna

Mirima is the Goddess of the Wind that flows freely wherever it will go. She was one of the first of the Children of Creation to be born into the new World and has been in neverending motion ever since. She may assume the avatar of an eagle or the diaphanous figure of an elven woman. She values freewill above all and honors followers that spread freedom in the lands.

12th Jul, 2019 - 1:32am / Post ID: #

Huna Mercenary Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Worship of Mirima

Mirima, she who dashes laughing through the heights, I beseech thee to bless my path. If I ascend to Rulership, then the physical and mental bonds that hold back all peoples shall be cast off and Thy name shall be hallowed from the peaks to the sea. Help me to balance the dark and the light from whence I arose, and to be an example of Free Will.

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