My name is Auma and, while I do agree that it is a very good name, I am unsure if there was a reason for receiving it other than it being easy to shout from long distances. I became known as the Ranger due to my incessant wanderings as a child as I explored the area around my home, learning all there was to learn about nature and animals.
I am a full-blooded Human, as far as I know. My father was a soldier and was gone for much of my upbringing.
I stand 5 feet 4 inches tall and have a wiry build with lean, rangy muscle. I may be short, but I pack a punch. I have shoulder length, dark brown hair with the faintest hint of red that can be discerned in the light. My eyes are a very pale blue that some may find unsettling, but they work fine for their purpose. I have a tanned complexion with a few stray freckles across my nose and cheeks. I have three parallel scars across my right forearm from a run-in with a badger as a teenager.
I see myself following in the footsteps of a true Ranger who can wield a bow with deadly accuracy, but know all there is to know about nature. I want to be able to tame animals/horses, know where to forage rare herbs and be known for being a superb tracker. I am generally favorable about alliances, if needed, and I'm willing to help anyone who may need help.
I intend to become a master animal trainer in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. I hope to move forward in life in harmony with nature.
Advisor Description
Eduard rubbed his broad hands over the cropped red hair on his head, letting his fingers slide down past the thick reddish-blonde beard covering the rest of his face. It was obviously the briefest amount of time he had to himself in the long afternoon and the day had apparently been a long one. He let out a gusty sigh, dropping his hands to his sides and peering out across the training field. He blinked his pale blue eyes and squinted them, surprised tos ee the rangy figure of a short girl striding towards him.
Auma's movements are fluid and almost cat-like in some ways, her body lean and muscled but still lithe enough to be able to move well. Still growing into her body at the age of 16, she nevertheless manages to show some semblance of maturity in her stance. "Captain," she greets, inclining her head slightly so that the sun glints off the barest hint of red in her dark hair.
Eduard narrows his eyes even more and taps at the hilt of his sword at his belt, "You're not ... Auma, are you?" At the girl's curt nod, the burly man huffed a breath, "When I last saw you, you were barely up to my knee! Your father did say you'd be coming tos ee me. Well ... " Squinting, he eyes the girl again, "You made your way in here fine, I expect?"
Auma inclines her head again and grins cheekily, "I did find some work as a leatherworker so far. I was able to work a lot with the hides that fathre brought back home, so it's something I'm fairly good at already. But I'm hoping to branch out a bit." She rested a hand on the curved long bow slung over one shoulder, her other resting on the quiver at her belt.
Eduard nodded and waved a broad hand, "Best go to the tavern first, then, m'girl. Get yourself a room, some food. We can talk later about making sure you can find a good way forward after that. Your father would want me to keep you safe." A grin forms behind his bushy beard as he nods his haed, "Got to get back to work at the moment, but hope to see you soon."
Auma nods and turns on her heel, preparing to make her way to the tavern.
Today, I have purchased one of the wooden abodes offered by the Town Builders. Outside the main door of my abode is a wooden plaque that reads, "The Home of Auma the Ranger".
Reflections On Your Mother
Sometimes I miss my mother. I miss the way she spoke to me. The way she used to teach me various household chores. The way she would encourage me. But then again ... I worry about disappointing her memory. Will I be able to live up to her ideal for me? She never did approve of my pursuits in some ways, as they were less womanly than most, but I do hope I can fulfill her dreams for me in some way.
Most handsome gentleman of Auma
It was the eyes that caught my attention first. Deep, glacial blue and with thick eyelashes that seemed at odds with his masculine, square-jawed face. His features themselves were not anything special - an angular bone structure, a wide nose that was slightly too big and thick, bushy brows that make his gaze seem brooding or angry at first glance. He would not be considered 'handsome' by most respects, but there was something in the crinkles at the corner of his vivid eyes and the fullness of his lips that spoke to a softness beneath the hardened exterior. His hair was dark, nearly black, and slightly receding from a wide forehead, while his face sported a neatly-trimmed beard and mustache. His body, muscular but still slightly pudgy around the middle, was covered in a well-fitted chainmail shirt, leather jerkin and pants. His hands, broad and calloused, spoke of hard work and his feet, large and wide, were encased in well-made leather boots. Overall, he seemed to show authority without having to command it through his voice and everything about him seemed to attract me.