Slak the Rogue

Slak Rogue - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 21st Jul, 2019 - 10:20am

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ROK II RPG Character 889 Medieval Text Adventure
19th Jul, 2019 - 10:26am / Post ID: #

Slak the Rogue

Slak was born into his mother's arms, his father nowhere to be seen. He was born in the back alley of a tavern, which his mother worked as an "Entertainer". She seemed to be very popular with the local town man since a new one came every night. Slak was enrolled in school when he was bullied by a group of humans. They constantly beat him, since they were older and had superior numbers. But one day, Slak had enough.

He followed the leader, bringing along a large tree branch with him. He went a few inches behind him and slammed it into the back of his head, the kid fell into some mud. Slak carried on beating the kid into a bloody pulp. He then threw the branch to the side and warned him to never bother him again, or else. When he went to school the next day, the remaining human kids from the group agreed to follow him instead. Slak ruled the school and nobody messed with him. But Slak was no fighter, he always brought something to the fight or got his friends to fight for him.

Now out of school, Slak became a professional rogue and began stealing from the wealthy. He even got himself enough money to purchase a home. But Slak wants more....

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21st Jul, 2019 - 10:20am / Post ID: #

Rogue Slak

Advisor Description

Draxk was selling a bunch of stolen items and Slak came over, looking to buy some. Draxk was then offered a job to steal from a local merchant which owes Draxk some money which he has not paid. Since then, they have worked together on many occasions.

It was a business meeting, but both parties were wary of the other and there dangerous habits. But if money is in the mix, everyone always has there perception up.

Slak wondered why he was watching, but made sure he had eyes behind his head at all times while in town. Just in cause

They will help each other out, if both gain something from it, like wealth or fame. Both are also wary of a potential backstab, but they do respect each other enough for this to not happen yet.

My advisor sees the potential in Slak and wants to utilize him as much as he can. As a master thief/rogue, his talents come in handy for Draxk's profession.

> TOPIC: Slak the Rogue


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