I have defeated a Creep. Let all know that it be by the mighty hands of Killian the Slayer.
I, Killian, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 2 among my fellow men.
Ever fought a Woodsman? I did… and beat it to death.
A Soldier attacked me but I made the final blow that left the Soldier dead.
The Resurrection of Killian the Slayer. I, Killian, liveth for the 2nd version of mine overwhelmed self. Change the pursuit and I shall changeth the outcome.
Why Am I Killian?
Freedom - A little girl today told me that she could see into my heart, and she told me I was free. Free of what, I cannot say. But it got me thinking, and I cannot clear my mind of these thoughts. I have lost so much in my short life, my mother, my father, my home, and already once, my very life. But these losses, that weighed so heavy on me, prove not to be a burden to keep me down. This great weight has become a pair of great wings, with which I will soar above the rest of the world. I can go where I wish, do as I desire, and be whoever I choose to be. My name, is Killian Wilkjest, and I am free.
Deity of Killian
The Goddess of Freedom, she is the wind that blows through the world. She is a gloomy god, and offers only the life she breathes into our lungs when we are born. Her followers, like myself, aim to live a life of uncomprimised freedom.
Swear thy sword to no man, save to further the reach of thy own hand. Let no walls bind you, save to shield thee from the elements, let no chains bind thee, and if they should, thy retribution shouldst be swift and bloody, takest what ye want, but spare the weak.
Worship of Saoirse
Killian sits in his rented room in the tavern, the door locked as to deter any disturbances. He removes his shirt, and lights an incense made of lavender and sagebrush. He kneels on a small mat placed on the ground, and breathes, in, and out, goes the air, the life that his goddess gave to him. He does not pray, does not commune, asks nothing and offers nothing to Saoirse. All she asks is that man appreciate life, and freedom, and the air. This simple tithing, nothing more than focusing on the passage of air into, and out of your lungs, is enough for her.
When relaxation and lethargy set in, Killian opens his eyes, rises to his feet, and lays down for a deep, deep sleep.