War With A Warthog Burlesque Competition
"Master Kestrel! Lawrence from the Town Crier's office here. Congrats on thy victory."
"Eh? Thanks."
"Thou lost the first round. What was going through thy head entering the mudpit the second time? Werest thou shaken?"
"Nay, ya wee little man! The beastie got lucky the first time is all. But no piggie is gonna get the best of me twice. I just had to study him a bit."
"Mmm hmm. And what was going through thy mind as you pinned the boar down that second time."
"Wait, are you writin' this down? What's goin' on here? Well anyway first let me say that I want ta thank Pymurg the dwarven God of Free Will for this victory. And my Minty fer standing by me durin' all those hours training in the mud. Love ya, lass! Well, what was goin' through my mind at the end there was Yeeargh!"
"I'll bet it was. Did thou findest it emotional to have this victory so soon after the tragic loss of thy mother?"
"What the h… you leave my mother out of it! I'll break yer neck! Get back here, y'thin streak o' rat spit! I'll tan yer hide an' make a cloak of yeh!"
Familiar Description
Kestrel raised the ebon hunting horn to his lips and blew a high, ringing blast. For a moment there was silence, then a circle of deep purple flames formed in the grass and quickly dissipated, revealing a great black hound. It's shaggy fur was glossy and iridescent, as if composed of finely spun onyx refracting the noonday sun. It was a full six feet from snout to tail, and 3 feet at the shoulder, with thicker fur like a mane behind its head. The creature sat on its haunches, its lush tail laying in a curve to its right, and regarded the dwarf piercingly with ice blue eyes.
The dwarf whispered, "I am profoundly stirred." He placed a hand on the huskie's head and the beast accepted the gesture. The word 'Amarog' came to Kestrel's lips, unbidden. The trapper nodded. "So that is your name." The hound lowered its snout to the ground and waited patiently. Kestrel thought for a moment. Then he grinned manically and shouted, "Run!"
Amarog howled and tore off over the plains. With a shout of joy, the dwarf ran after his new companion in the hunt.
Enticing of Minty
If thou art willing, lady of my heart, I shall show thee the wonders of the caves I have found northeast of town. The crystals shine like thine eyes and provide a soft light. We will bring a picnic from Stefan and I will recite for thee the romantic sagas of my tribe. Wilt thou join me, loveliest Minty?
Worship of Pymurg
Pymurg, Thou hast guided my steps on this very long day. I thank Thee and I pray that my progress has been pleasing in Thy sight. On the morrow I shall train more in earnest. And take my dear Minty on our first outing together. Please let her heart by softened by my words.
Message to Advisor
My Lady, I made much progress this day. I have become a Fighter and Barbarian, to hone my combat prowess. I have begun to court the lovely Lady Minty. And I have improved my axework and the gifts of the mind. I thank thee for thy support.
Meeting the townsfolk
The townsfolk seemed to consider me too wild for their taste at first. But a round of ale set all to rights. We had fun in a dancing party yestereve. I am now a familiar sight to them and I think they will happily accept my Rule and the freedom it shall bring.
Worship of Pymurg
Pymurg, Lord of Freedom, may my deeds be worthy in Thine eyes. The voices of all shall sing in Praise of Thee when the hearts of all peoples everywhere are free. Help me to hold true to my path, and grant me the strength and vision to banish the Darkness that threatens peoples of good will.