My name is Arthur. I was given this name after a long lost uncle, one who used to be a glorious king in a far away kingdom. My father was convinced I would take the throne of this kingdom though I am not sure myself. Both my parents were hobbits, and the humans had made my father one of there generals, much to the dis may of my mother as she believed we hobbits must always be peaceful. One of my main hopes and dreams is too stop this madness and violence. What good is it if the gods shall punish us for blood shed and then we return back to it like a pack of wild dogs? I will make the gods proud and stop this blood shed once and for all, no matter if I die or not, I will save us all.
My builders have completed meh wooden abode so that I, Arthur will abide there.
Advisor Description
The fact that I was in a knew and unfamilliar place didn't really sit well with me. I'd never travelled a lot anyway, and this felt a little to overwellming for me. That is, untill the berlly 6 foot 3 inches man kicked down my door and stomped inside.
"And who in the name of all the gods are you?" I yelled. It's not everyday someone wants to kick down your humble door which does not deserve a boot. The man had a golden sword strapped to his belt, his black beady eyes peared at me while his black hair flew about his head. The man went on to explain that he was Captain Doronold, and I made the mistake of asking.
"You mean dorothy??"
"My name is what I say it is, boy!" He barked, slamming the but of his blade against my head. The captain had served with my dad durring the war, as they were two very tight friends. Tight as in they loved to fight each other and still stay friends after someone broke a leg. I remember my father leaving with the man, there faces grimm. And Doronold had returned to tell us that an Ork had stabbed my father in the heart, and he had died soon after. Inever knew of Doronold's childhood because he would always try to avoid the subject as much as he could. And now he's here, elling my advice about how to be a body gard, and I am praying to the gods, begging them to just make him leave me alone.