I am Adi. The reasoning behind my name is that my parents, two humans, we're not sure what I would identify as male, female, or both. They thought that the name Adi was a name that could go both ways, and I agree with them. I am 16 years of age and am known as the Charmer because I am great with people, most people like me, and I am able to convince people to do things my way sometimes. I am five feet 9 inches tall, muscular, with long black hair, and I have green eyes. My friendly and likable nature and appearance make me liked by everyone. I consider myself to be a trickster, thief, and skilled manipulator. My goal is to make many deals and alliances to convince people to do things my way, so I can work my way up through the world until I am the most powerful person in the world. I will now start my quest for power and adventure.
A Sentimental Value: Ring, Plain
My mother gave this ring to me. I find it one of the most important items I have and will ever own, for this ring was one of the first and only rings that my mother had ever owned. She passed this ring to me after I turned sixteen, knowing that she would not see me for a very long time, if ever again, and she wanted me to have a way to remember her, wherever I go.
I wonder, should I call myself Adi the Card Games expert.
Advisor Description
I and Alex met when I first arrived here, around 7 P.M. I am very skilled with people and I soon realized that she was the one following me, and I got the truth out of her. She had been following me since she had lost her position and was looking for someone skilled with words to help her get her position back. It was a very awkward meeting, and I was a little flattered that someone had thought that I would be useful to help with words and deception. She quickly realized that I had very little interest in helping her, but I think she has figured out what I am trying to do, because she has asked to travel with me, at least for now. I think that I will allow her to stay, considering that she is a politician. She will definitely be a valuable companion and does not seem to have any intent on betraying me.