I am Wolvon, named for the courage and strength of a wolf and the cunning and swiftness of a raven. I was named by my warrior father and I shall be a warrior as well.
Though my stature my not be great, standing a mere four feet four inches tall, I have been trained by warriors and my body is fit and ready for a fight. I have also not rejected my gnomish heritage so do not expect me to be without a trick or gadget up my sleeve.
though you may not consider me the most handsome Gnome to ever walk the earth, my dark blond hair and Sapphire blue eyes do not disappoint nor is my tanned warriors body an eyesore.
You can be sure I intend to learn and keep training under fighters, warriors, and tacticians to ensure I am ready to fight for this kingdom. Also, I will learn all I can from merchants, tradesmen, and scholars so that I can provide better things for all from the high lords to the low servants alike.
Know this, whether I become King over all people or a simple adventurer I will live to make the lives of the people around me better and I will work with those who will help me achieve this.
So I move forward to build a better tomorrow.
Advisor Description
I had quite an interesting encounter yesterday evening at the tavern. I had eaten my fill at the tavern and went up to the tavern keeper to thank him and pay anything I might still owe for the food and room. It was at this point that the tavern keeper mentioned that I seemed to have someone watching me pretty closely and that if I was going to be making any trouble to keep it outside his tavern. I told him that I had been good and that I wasn't going to be making any trouble, but that I better check with this stranger and he would be sure to know if he was a trouble maker soon enough. I then quickly went straight over to the stranger before the tavernkeeper could even respond.
I quickly sat down in front of the stranger and got right to the point. So what's the deal with you I said! you know it's weird to come to a tavern just to stare at a guy across the room. I know I am a little strange but if you're going to stare the least you could do is buy me a drink first. He gave me a bit of a bewildered look at first then it changed to a smile and then a laugh. He said you surely are his son, direct and a bit strange too.
It turns out this old stranger is supposedly a captain named Brigner who fought alongside my father. He said that my father asked him to check up on me and mentor me when he was released from the army. He claimes to not know what has become of my father and he has not told me why he would do something like this for my father. For now, I don't really care about the answers to these questions as long as there seems to be no danger from him and as long as he still has things to share and teach me I am willing to have him around.
If what he says is true then this might be as close as I get to actually having a father figure in my life but for now, I am going to keep my eye on him and keep this relationship strictly business like.
P.S that mug of warm Goats milk he bought me was quite good.