So I'm Maximonstre, and I'm joining this community in order to play Ruler of Kings.
I'm not very experienced in either story-telling or Role-playing Games (Apart from video games), but I have been interested in playing tabletop Role-playing Games for a while but sadly all attempts at games so far fell through because of scheduling conflicts or players living far away so I started instead to look for text-based Role-playing Games (With or without community) and came accross Ruler of Kings and thought it would be perfect to sate my thirst of role-playing and adventuring.
As a note, English isn't my first language so I may at times be more awkward with my wording, but there shouldn't be any problems beyond that.
Looking forward to discovering this game and community!
- Maximonstre.
Welcome to Ruler of Kings II, the best Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game ye will ever play. Now that ye have made thy introduction ensure to prepare thyself for thy quest. Thou mayest proceed to begin reading the Rules & Start to begin thy adventure.