Minimalist Lifestyle
I have always seen myself as a minimalist which is best defined as:
I think anyone can benefit from a minimalist lifestyle. If you look at the original nations of America they all lived close to nature and it enabled them to focus more on their family and individual accomplishment. The way things [are] now its about going somewhere as fast as possible while trampling over everything in your path.
This is actually interesting to me as I am always saying just let me out of this rat race give me a place where I can shoot a gun and not have to actually worry about hitting some one. So yes a very remote area which automatically bring in a minimalist type of life style. A good axe, dog, bow and a stream my wonderful wife also I could manage quite well. It would be a rugged life and most often shorter in years but much more peaceful being in tune with the land around you.
To have a minimalist lifestyle you do not necessarily have to move location (Although it might be a big help) since most times it is not practical or affordable. Wherever you are you focus only on the things / persons that make you have and rid yourself of activities / items that do not add to this happiness / peace.
Yes one should do this no matter where you are but I think it is hard for many. We far to often listen to others or media that put thoughts in our head that this or doing that will make us happier. Biggest for me is remove clutter and only have what I need.
I would love to adopt this way of being, however, I think I would be more of a hoarder physically and mentally. I think it comes from being overly sentimental. My job could allow for this, however a minimalist garden doesn't have the same appeal to me as a garden filled with lost of different species. I do believe people need to take away something to make their lives less hectic. I should take my own advice.
Being minimalist is a good thing if what you are minimizing isn't affecting others or in other words its not a selfish thing where others who are not following your regime are somehow forced to comply or experience rejection.