Reflections On Your Mother
My mother, bless her soul, was a great woman with lots of ambition for me. She attempted to do the best she could with me but failed to save her own life in the process. This makes me feel like a sacrifice and somewhat guilty.
War With A Warthog Burlesque Competition
What an odd competition that at least paid well. I went to the burlesque games of the strange Lady Flue. She made me ride a warthog while all dressed in white and despite my tries I still got some of the splatter on me. Still, I did a lot better than the others in the competition so I can out victorious.
Reflections on your father
The whisperer gave me a difficult task becaue she wants me to reflect on someone I did not know. Perhaps I can mention how much I did knowlageable. I knew he commanded an army and fought a lot so perhaps he was good at it. I do not know if he is alive or dead.
First time in the Town
This town is very interesting because there is never a dull moment. However, to make it big and be recognized is not easy. Life here is hard and not for the weak or faint of heart. I think I will survive and make the best of it.