Hello, my name is Trevor. I am 35 years old, and currently, live in Michigan. My interests and hobbies include gaming, writing, art, music, movies/tv, reading really any consumption of entertainment, ha!. Having only played Palladium's Rifts once in my life when I was a teenager, I had never troubled myself to play again, or more specifically searched out other players. Playing Magic the Gathering I find a fun experience but left a bit to be desired on the imaginative side of things. All this being said, I have come to age and am more than ever trying to combine my love of fiction and role-playing games.
Welcome to Ruler of Kings II, the best Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game ye will ever play. Now, that ye have made thy introduction, ensure to prepare thyself for thy quest. Thou mayest proceed to begin reading the Rules & Start to begin thy adventure.