Sarah Palin - Page 15 of 26

Maybe I did not hear enough about her or what - Page 15 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 18th Jun, 2009 - 5:16pm

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Poll: Will Sarah Palin make a good Vice President?
  100% Sure       16.00%
  I'm positive she will do very good       20.00%
  I think she will do OK       32.00%
  I do not think she will do very well       24.00%
  Uncertain       8.00%
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Former beauty queen. Former Governor of Alaska. Ran as a nominee for US Vice President with McCain. Could she also be a future US President?
17th Jun, 2009 - 3:59pm / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin - Page 15

We all know about the Palin vs. Letterman battle over remarks Letterman made. That is covered HERE. However I wanted to point out that the media feels Palin still uses these media bytes as a bid to stay current in the spotlight for the next US Elections. What do you think?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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17th Jun, 2009 - 6:12pm / Post ID: #

Palin Sarah

In accordance with the knowledge I have of Governor Palin's political views, I am a fan. However, she has not published a lot about her views, so my opinion is definitely open to modification.

However, I really don't think she is trying to get media attention. I think that the Left, including the majority of the US media, hate her with an unbelievable passion. They want to destroy her in any way possible. She is a smart, attractive, active woman, who espouses truly conservative values. This is something the liberals cannot abide. She threatens their monopoly on defining what is a "good" modern woman.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

17th Jun, 2009 - 6:53pm / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin History & Civil Business Politics

I don't know if I'd be happy with her at the jelm unchecked as President. Maybe I have to study her passed actions to know what she's about but for me she isn't an issue right now. Of course its her perogative to get in the media's spotlight, she isn't going to be governor forever.

International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 26 ActivistPoliticianActivist 2.6%

18th Jun, 2009 - 2:38am / Post ID: #

Page 15 Palin Sarah

I basically just look at the list of people that really really really dont like her and I obviously know that I should like her.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

18th Jun, 2009 - 3:22am / Post ID: #

Palin Sarah

Vincenzo that is the first time I have ever seen you use less than poignant points for an argument. I get it, you are into North American wild girls eh? For me, I'm not too sure yet. So far she shows a somewhat limited hold on her daughter, I think maybe politicking time had its effect.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

18th Jun, 2009 - 3:53am / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin

She is exactly what the conservatives want. And not just conservatives but libertarians as well.

She is a successful woman.
She is educated and intelligent...although you wont pick this up on Saturday Night Live.
She is conservative (fiscally and socially).
She is Pro-Life.
She talks the talk and walks the walk (Pro-Life isnt just for non-handicapped babies).
She hasnt sold her beliefs to get where she is and that says a lot about her character.

This isnt what the liberal equal rights women had in mind. This is their arch enemy. She has it all and hasnt sacrificed her core beliefs. Now the fact that she is a attractive woman that isnt affraid of the outdoors and likes to hunt, fish and enjoy many other activities...well that is just fodder for us guys.

The list of prominent liberal women and celebrities that the name Palin makes their blood boil just makes me know she is on the track that I would want for our country. Now, is she the right one to get us there? Ahhh...who knows?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

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Post Date: 18th Jun, 2009 - 3:02pm / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin
A Friend

Sarah Palin - Page 15

I think that Sarah is the leader that the GOP should be looking to to help guide them over the next few years. IF the GOP can not get her as their leader for the next few month then they are going to go down the tubes quickly.

18th Jun, 2009 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin Politics Business Civil & History - Page 15

Maybe I did not hear enough about her or what but I do not see the big deal about this woman. Personally I do not find her charismatic or so intelligent that will make her stand out, at least for me. Some of her ideas are good, yes I agree but she is not unique in her views.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

> TOPIC: Sarah Palin


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