Sarah Palin Blasts Richard Dawkins on Aborting Kids With Down Syndrome: "My Son is Absolute Beauty"
Former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin took Richard Dawkins to task after he created an international controversy with his comments saying parents of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome should abort them.
Yesterday, Dawkins doubled down on his controversial comments yesterday suggesting that parents of babies with Down Syndrome should "abort them and try again." Dawkins said aborting babies with Down syndrome is the "moral and sensible" choice. Ref. Source 6
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will endorse Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump today at an Iowa campaign stop, a source familiar with the plans says.
Palin, a former vice presidential nominee and tea party favorite, has spoken highly of both Trump and his chief opponent, Ted Cruz. She told CNN's Jake Tapper last month that she didn't plan to endorse anyone "Soon" but liked both candidates. Ref. CNN.