Mysterious Person at the Tavern
I eye the stranger warily, but am intrigued by what he says. Placing my hand on my chin as if to think I take the opportunity to observe this strange man. He wears a form concealing cloak of blue, not just any blue mind but the blue of the oceans. Deep, deep blue run in patches over it's surface and there are lighter blue green lines topped with a foamy white. I ponder this for a moment until I realize that they are tiny stylized waves. The detail is astounding, so much so that I lose track of myself for a moment while I stare.
"Mmhmm" the stranger clears his throat with an amused lilt. Guiltily my eyes snap up to his face, and again I find myself staring blankly. There are no visible features beneath the raised hood whatsoever! Instead a heavy blue/white mist drifts from the depths of that hood like the fog rolling across the shores when the weather changes.
"Shall we?" he asks again, gesturing towards the table once more. "Ye..yes" I manage to get out as I follow the strange fellow to the table. As we walk I stare at the back of his hood, the mist raises up only inches from his face as he walks before it dissipates in an ever replenishing tide.
At the table he waits for me to seat myself before he takes his own place. "Greetings Haruhiro" he says the words again as if starting the conversation over. "I am hear at the behest of my patron, you seem to have caught their attention"
My normal self confidence has abandoned my in the face of this strange man, I begin to wonder if the fellow does not have additional enchantments on his person to instill this dread into my being. "Your patron you say? Who is this patron and what do they wish of a young orphan such as myself?" as I ask the question my eyes are on the scared surface of the oak table set before us. Fingers slowly tracing the initials of some drunken regular carved deeply into the notched and battered table. The knife must have been dull or the man drunk because I could not tell what it was supposed to stand for.
"My patron" says the hooded figure as he lifts his goblet from the table in a leather gloved hand. "Does not wish to be known at this time." He pauses as the lip of the glass disappears into his hood for a moment "But they do like to keep their eye on up and coming talent" my eyes follow his hand as he sets the goblet back down, eyes fixed to the mist wafting out from his sleeve.
"Talent? I don't know about that" I say with a shake of my head. "I have been getting into scraps I have barely escaped and my money never goes as far as I would like" I was not sure why I was denying his words but I was still shaken. Mouth feeling dry I lift my own goblet to my lips and sip… then I sip again. "This is amazing!" I can't help but exclaim, taking another sip. The liquor has a smoky apple flavor with hints of mint. It sounds terrible to hear it but the flavor could not be denied.
"Do you like it?" the stranger asked a smile plain in his voice. "This is made on my patron's lands. Should you prove your worth I believe you might find yourself with another opportunity to sample it" I realized that this was bait to woe me in but could not help but to take another swallow of this fine beverage. "I am listening" I say.
"There is honestly not to much more to tell" the shoulders of the cloak rise and fall in a shrug. "My patron says that you have potential and wants to see what you can become. They don't see a problem in giving a small hand up to someone who might be in a position to aid them somewhere down the line".
It was as I thought. No one helps others unless it is to help themselves in some way, not that I expected any different. "I see" I say slowly as I think, fingers still tracing the badly carved table's top. "I think I can live with that" even if I decide not to reciprocate at some future date I would not hurt to have some help now in my early years.
"Excellent" I heard the smile I could not see. "Here you are" he said as he stooped down and placed a box on the battered old oak table. "Hopefully it is helpful to you lad, oh" he added the last word almost as an after though as he rose. "Please don't think you can get away with double dealings with my patron, they are generous but will not be cheated" and with those words he stepped away. "Enjoy the liquor" came floating back to me as he disappeared back into the crowd like fog burning way in the sun.
Absently taking another sip of the marvelous beverage, I stared almost dazedly at the wooden box placed before me.
Message to Advisor
the day has been long. I met a strange man in the tavern earlier, he gave me a gift. I have yet to look inside I must admit I am wary of doing so. But it could be useful on my quest.
I think I might be able to come up with some more funds to recruit another follower and soon be able to summon my familiar. I have had the required magick but have not taken the rest to replenish it for some time. I will most likely train for a few days while my magick comes back sleeping in between times and when I feel ready take patrols to gain levels and experience around the elf town.
I have a few assignments I would like to do and more reputation to gain but I fear I am simply to weak at present for much more then what I am doing.
any advice would be worth its weight in gold.
Stonewall the Veteran joins the Adventure Party of Haruhiro
The veteran fighter is quite the investment on my part. I have hired many before him and they don't last long so I figured I had better step up my game and get someone who has some real skill and experience. I am going to do my best to keep this one alive by giving potions on occasion and not leaving out front when I can take a few blows.