I am Valentino and I was given this name to remember my father's memory. I am known as the Druid because this is the path that most suits my heart and soul.
I was born a Human because my parents were both humans. They met when they were just little children and grew up together in happiness. Love appeared later and they decided to marry and live together as a family.
I stand 5'11'' tall with a slim body. I have gray with medium and rounded brown eyes. My tan skin and a symmetrical appearance in general makes me unique.
I see myself as one who follows magic-users, clerics and druids mostly. I want to start my way knowing the ropes in all cities I may be in and learning with everyone I meet in the way. I generally view alliances as good bonds between good-hearted Beings, no matter what race this Being belongs to. All achievements can be reached with help and mutual trust.
I intend to learn and help others the best way I can in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that I can be tough and strong when I need to be but all will be handled gently and in a way trust will be built between whoever crosses my path. Empathy and friendship, good heart and humility are the best attributes to conquer other hearts and souls. Thus, I now start this path towards life and adventure in order to be a gentle and humble Ruler of Kings.
Advisor Description
Soon after arriving in The Town and heading to the Tavern for some advice on where I could find shelter, I had a strange feeling someone was following me and I was right. Before entering the building, I managed to run straight into an alley and there I wanted until my persecutor showed his face and that didn't take long. A tall figure hidden in a heavy cloak and a hood made his way in the Tavern and I just followed him. Surprisingly, just after footing in, he grabbed me through my neck and made me sit in the nearby table. "Fear nothing, Valentino", he said gently while he moved away his hood. His eyes were blue just like the sky above us and at that very moment I felt the peace he emanated from his complexion as a whole. "Whenever you need a shoulder to rest from your journey, I will be at your side", he continued. "I am Mauricio the Priest". He put his right hand on my shoulder, and I felt I could trust him. I was so very happy I had someone to count on during my life journey.